The following is a list of Illinois colleges and universities who participate in the Gateways Scholarship Program.
Schools who operate on a quarter hour system are notated with an asterisk (*).
Participating College or University | URL |
Blackburn College | www.blackburn.edu |
Black Hawk College | www.bhc.edu |
Bradley University | www.bradley.edu |
Chicago State University | www.csu.edu |
College of DuPage | www.cod.edu |
College of Lake County | www.clcillinois.edu |
Concordia University Chicago | www.cuchicago.edu |
Danville Area Community College | www.dacc.edu |
DePaul University* | www.depaul.edu |
Eastern Illinois University | www.eiu.edu |
Elgin Community College | www.elgin.edu |
Erikson Institute | www.erikson.edu |
Governors State University | www.govst.edu |
Greenville University | www.greenville.edu |
Harold Washington College | ccc.edu/colleges/washington |
Harry S. Truman College | www.ccc.edu/truman |
Harper Community College | www.harper.edu |
Heartland Community College | www.heartland.edu |
Highland Community College | www.highland.edu |
Illinois Central College | www.icc.edu |
Illinois Eastern Illinois Community Colleges | www.iecc.edu |
Illinois State University | www.ilstu.edu |
Illinois Valley Community College | www.ivcc.edu |
John A. Logan College | www.jalc.edu |
John Wood Community College | www.jwcc.edu |
Joliet Junior College | www.jjc.edu |
Kankakee Community College | www.kcc.edu |
Kaskaskia College | www.kaskaskia.edu |
Kennedy-King College | www.ccc.edu/colleges/kennedy |
Kishwaukee College | www.kish.edu |
Lake Land College | www.lakeland.edu |
Lewis and Clark Community College | www.lc.edu |
Lewis University | www.lewisu.edu |
Lincoln Land Community College | www.llcc.edu |
Malcolm X College | www.ccc.edu/colleges.malcolm |
McHenry County College | www.mchenry.edu |
Millikin University | www.millikin.edu |
Moraine Valley Community College | www.morainevalley.edu |
Morton College | www.morton.edu |
National Louis University* | www.nl.edu |
North Park University | www.northpark.edu |
Northern Illinois University | www.niu.edu |
Northeastern Illinois University | www.neiu.edu |
Oakton Community College | www.oakton.edu |
Olivet Nazarene University | www.olivet.edu |
Olive-Harvey College | www.ccc.edu/colleges/olive-harvey |
Parkland College | www.parkland.edu |
Prairie State College | prairiestate.edu |
Quincy University | quincy.edu |
Rasmussen College* | www.rasmussen.edu |
Rend Lake College | www.rlc.edu |
Richard J. Daley College | daley.ccc.edu |
Richland Community College | www.richland.edu |
Rock Valley College | www.rockvalleycollege.edu |
Rockford University | www.rockford.edu |
Roosevelt University | www.roosevelt.edu |
Sauk Valley College | www.svcc.edu |
South Suburban College | www.sc.edu |
Southeastern Illinois College | www.sic.edu |
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | www.siue.edu |
Southern Illinois University Carbondale | www.siu.edu |
Southwestern Illinois Community College | www.swic.edu |
Spoon River College | www.src.edu |
St. Ambrose University | www.sau.edu |
St. Augustine College | www.staugustine.edu |
Triton College | www.triton.edu |
University of Illinois C-U | www.illinois.edu |
University of Illinois Chicago | www.uic.edu |
Waubonsee Community College | www.waubonsee.edu |
Western Illinois University | www.wiu.edu |
Wilbur Wright College | www.ccc.edu/colleges/wright |